Fox News listen up sometime!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

all the people and organizations i hate

orginizations - the federal reserve, peda, greenpeace, seirra club, the democrat party, the republican party, ACLU, msnbc, cnn, obama voters, acorn, seiu FCC

ideas - radical feminism, green, communism, obamanation, liberalism, leftist

people - michael moore, dan rather, david lettermen, al gore, obama, nanci pelosi, diane fienstien, larry king, van jones, mark loyd, FDR, theodore roosevelt, woodrow wilson, hilary clinton, bill clinton, timothy geinthner, cynthia mckenly, reverend wright, alan colmes, al franken,

Sunday, August 9, 2009

when obama says he doesnt was single payer just watch this

now isnt it funny how what he says at a group of like minded individuals which is unlikely to
bleed out is something completley different then what he says at a
press conference

what this healthcare plan is really about

people have really been missing what this healthcare plan is really about. its about slavery. once they get it passed they will decide who gets coverage and who doesnt. how people think that allowing the governmnet to decide who lives and who dies is following the guidence of the founding fathers i dont understand but thats not even the point. the point is that the government will actually have the power to decide who lives and who dies. first theyl let the old die. then it will become where if you weigh a certain amount theyll tell you u have to die. then one day way down the road it will be if your just right wing you must die. and consider this; if the republicans and libertarians stay agianst the plan then all those on the plan will have to vote democrat. democrats are once agian doing what they always do; getting votes by making people dependent on them.

Friday, July 10, 2009

whats the point

whats the point of passing this health care plan? first off if you don't believe that obama's health care plan will lead to a government take over of the health care then its about time to start believing. a public plan wont have to follow the same rules. a public plan will always have funding. it wont have to play by the rules. but it might help if the government does something to protect private plans. now obama has said that he doesnt want a government run health care and i actually believe him. but what obama wants doesnt matter because someone will. what about the next president? what about congress? trust me washington as a whole does want government run healthcare. were going to have a government bent on creating a government run health care. the public plan that will be created will always have funding. the public plan wont have to play by the rules. what do you think the end result will be? and whats wrong with government run health care. well in countries that have it waiting periods are longer. in america you need to go to the doctor you might have to wait 6 days in countries with government run healthcare you might have to wait 6 months. so whats the point of being insured with healthcare if you cant ever get into the hospital? also in countries with government run healthcare there is higher death rates. you would think the complete opposite since everyones insured so why is this? its because hospitals dont have the medicine or the technology to help people. in fact in britian if you have breast cancer they'll tell you to go home and die. why? because they no longer fund the technology needed to help fight that disease. so does it really matter if your insured if the doctor cant help you? no. being insured is not what matters. what matters is that your able to go to the hospital and the doctor can help you. and with this public plan we are trying to pass whether it takes over the private healthcare options or not will actually eliminate the ability to go to the hospital or for the doctor to be able to help you rather then help it. which leads me back to my starting question; whats the point?

scary chart

just thought i would show you this chart! look at what is happening to are taxes! income taxes are going up as well as just about every tax. this chart is showing what will happen if they pass the surtax that they are planning to pass in order to pay for health care and people wonder why the economy might be doing bad. in fact these top income taxes will be higher then frances if this passes! higher then france how idiotic!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

PLZ stop talking about michael jackson

i am officially done. i no longer want to hear about michael jackson. i dont want to hear his crappy songs on the radio. i dont want to hear about him in the media. i dont want to hear people who should be talking about news talk about michael jackson. first off i am too young to know about the black guy singer michael jackson. i have only been alive during the time michael jackson was a white woman. so to me he is nothing but a freak. but i mean didnt anyone else die this week? or a better question who didnt die this week? i mean what about billy mayes? why cant we talk about him? let me start in fact. billy mayes what a great guy. he could have been americas UN ambassador. i mean just imagine it. "hi billy mayes here hey UN i would like to tell yhou about america." give him five minutes and the UN would love us! and other people died too. or you know what else the news could focus on? NEWS! that sounds great doesnt it?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My strategy for war

the war in Iraq is coming to an end. in memorization of the war i would like to give some tips about how we should fight for next time or even for war in Afghanistan. first i got this great idea; if your going to go to war go to win! stop sending some troops here and there and whatever. no if your going to go to war send everything we got. use the full force of are nation in a war so that are troops can stop dieing in such avoidable ways. next if you cant convince the general public the reason why your fighting is worth fighting its probably because its not worth fighting. and i know what your probably thinking, "but Michael public always gives up on wars after time." well that might be true. i mean if you picked up a book about the war in Korea theres a chance you might here something about protest. now i want you to go out and try just try to find a book about vietnam that doesnt talk about protest. its impossible. and iraq is alot like vietnam. i mean people protest war sure but nothing like in vietnam nothing like in iraq and so you gotta think that maybe theres more to it. and i know what your probably thinking, "but michael war can now be televised and thats why theres so little support." yes ive heard this before and i would just like to say thats the most idiotic argument ive ever heard! let me use that same argument but in slightly different words. because technology has innovated and entered the 21st century and thats why we should keep fighting war the same way. thats stupidity dont you agree. if technology has lead to people disagreeing with war then how about you find new ways to get support. and now i know what your thinking, "michael that sounds hard." now first off i have to say seriously stop interrupting me its really annoying. now you are right it will be hard to get people rallying for war especially with the modern technology we have but guess what; thats why the job is left up to oh yeah the president. being the president is supposed to be hard. thats why were supposed to vote for them based on leadership instead of how old they are or the color of their skin. and im not trying to say im against war. in fact i am a big pro war guy. heres my message; first of if your going to go to war GO TO WIN! if you have a congress or a president whose against you who and is going to stop you every time you want a surge everytime you want to send more troops then dont go. if you think the war is going to last more then four years and you know the public is going to give up on the war and vote you out then once again dont go. stop fighting half way! dont go if you cant win. next afterwards once you win COME HOME. stop being the police of the world. get are troops home after we win. and finally WORRY ABOUT PROBLEMS INSIDE THE COUNTRY BEFORE PROBLEMS OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY. bush had said, "i dont care about what people think of me." now i respect him for that and i am glad we had a president who thought that way but we need to remember that we dont want a president who, "doesnt care what people think at all."

the worst thing global warming will do.

sometimes i wonder if global warming is the best name for the theory. there are so many things they say global warming is going to do. they say that global warming has caused an increase in sea surface temperatures. ice to melt in the arctic and at Greenland. they say it will cause droughts and flooding. if that even makes sense. i believe how it is going to work is that your going to be on top of your roof with water all around you but right by your crops there will be an invisible wall keeping the water out like in exodus with Moses. they say global warming will cause water levels to rise. they also say it will cause porcupines to lose there spikes and that sharks will become more vicious. other then that they say global warming will cause an increase in killer jellyfish, an increase in starfish, an increase in stray cats teenage drinking (that actually makes sense; teenagers will find any reason to drink.) increase in poison ivy and disease. it is blamed for Katrina and the 2001 tsunami. they say it will lead to an increase in hurricanes and tsunamis. they also say it will lead to starvation and poverty. as you can see global warming is blamed for just about everything but i was thinking the other day that there is one more thing that global warming will lead to and trust me it is worse then anything else on this list. i realized global warming could potentially lead to an increase in scientists! i know i know that is frightening but it gets worse so be prepared, because it could also lead to an increase in interest in science! i know its frightening so we must stop global warming so we can stop this tragedy.

why all the hate?

this might come as a shock to you but i am a big believer in both capitalism and conservatism. i believe that they go hand and hand. capitalism is all about a believe that people can built and maintain a functioning economy. it is all about believing in people instead of in the state. conservatism goes hand and hand with this because its all about helping each and every individual reach their own self made success. conservatism is all about stopping wasteful spending and putting money back in the pockets of the individual. conservatism is about cutting needless taxes so that you have more money in your wallet so you can afford more things so you things that you want will be cheeper on you. conservatism is about cutting regulations that we dont need and believing that people can handle having all options on the table. conservatism is about getting the government out of your life so that you can live your life. conservatism has fundamentals behind that every person can get behind. conservatives believe that profit is good. conservatives believe that those who labor do good for us all and that doing your part is doing a job. conservatives believe that when you labor you create an incentive for others to labor that this generation working leads to the next generation into working and that you should be rewarded not punished for working and laboring. conservatives try to do all they can to give the next generation a better america then the current generation has and would never do anything to hurt the next generation. my favorite thing about conservatism is that as a conservative i can confidently say that the policies that i propose will help YOU. you see a liberal cant say that because you could be anyone and there policies dont help everyone. if your rich liberal policies definitely wont help you. if your middle class propably not and if your poor well its possible. but conservatism will help YOU no matter who YOU are. cutting sales taxes can help everybody. cutting income taxes will help everyone who pays them. cutting regulations and creating jobs will help everyone unemployed. conservatism will help YOU no matter who YOU are. and with such a great message my question to my readers, ok reader ok ok my question to nobody is why all the hate? i was thinking why the republicans lost their message about conservatism and i came to the conclusion that it was probably because of all this hate. everyone seems to hate conservatives. the media bashes us everyday. why? with a message so great i think we should get a standing ovation instead we are hated. sad fact.

Monday, July 6, 2009

why all the welfare

whats up with all the welfare these days. dont people realize that welfare is bad for the economy? i mean heres how welfare works; you take money from one wallet and put into another while creating millions in debt. that sounds bad but dont worry it gets worse. you might be thinking, "oh michael welfare is great because it gives money to people who normally wouldnt have it. they spend it and spending money is good for the economy." well while that might sound great its completely wrong. what they forget is while those on welfare do spend money they forget that that money they spend came from somewhere or in better words someone. that money would have been spent anyways by the person it came from. and moreover we wouldnt have had to create millions in debt. taking money from one person and giving it to someone else doesnt create more wealth it just redistributes it. but what could we do for the poor that would help the economy? i will hereby endeavor to explain to you just that. people who labor are good for the economy. obviously. so obviously what would be good for the economy would be finding ways to help people who are not working to start working. and there are simple ways to help make self made success more attainable. and more then that the ways to do it wont only help the poor but everyone. first is to cut regulations. the average regulation stops 150 jobs from being created. get rid of some of those and we could create many new jobs. if we were to cut just some regulation we could create new jobs putting new people to work. next we could cut taxes. if people could actually keep some of the money they earned there would be less need for money to be given to them. now you might be thinking, "but michael the government needs that money in taxes to fund important programs." if your thinking this your wrong. consider this; you remember how when people were complaining about spending. it happened about five seconds ago. anyways do you think the government cut spending then when people were complaining about spending? of course not. unless you consider that 100 million dollar cut to the spending which is oh yeah nothing. but if you ask obama how he is going to pay for universal healthcare he would tell you that he can pay for 2/3 of it by shifting some of the budget to pay for it. you see the government taxes us highly. and it is not because they need all the money they get in taxes. its because they are to corrupted and to uncaring to cut the budget unless of course it will help them pass their special interests. another thing the government could do to help people is allow us to use are resources. take oil for instance. did you know we have more oil here then the middle east does. the reason why we use so much foreign oil is because are government wont allow us to use any of are oil. why not? if we could use the oil we have here we could create thousands of good paying stable jobs and i should know about oil rigs since my father works on one. if we could use oil we could create jobs not to mention ending are dependence on foreign oil. and think of all the other resources are governmnet has just said no to. think of all that we could do if we could use are own resources. oh and heres a big thing we could do; reform washington. every time washington is even in session are stock points drop around 16 points! although libertarians are the only ones who offer it everyone i think wants washington reformed. these are just some of the things we could do to help the poor. and more then that these things would help everybody. instead we use welfare which really doesnt help anybody. taking money from the rich doesnt help are economy. expanding government power doesnt help are economy or are freedom. and finally welfare is not the best way to even help the poor. so why do we insist on these tatics?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

too many czars?

i was thinking earlier, doesnt it seem obama has too many czars. the messiah is only suppossed to have 12 disiples.

The absolute worst thing

i would like to describe to you what the best thing about capitalism is. the great thing about capitalism is that if you strive if you try if you simply work hard and put in some effort you can succeed and excel. no one is more likely to succeed in capitalism there is an equal opportunity and if you grap onto it you can take advantage of it. capitalism is all about when all the doors close in front of you you grap some tools and you make yourself your own door. when all options are off the table you create your own! capitalism. it is so amazing because it puts no limitations on us. it does not regulate us. capitalism is all about believing in people and in the individual. if you read the communist manifesto you would quickly find its main message. in case you havent read it let me tell you the message. WAH people cant do anything for themselves WAH the rich are so abusive WAH we need a savior government to help us! thats not what adam smith talked about. he in his book the wealth of nations looked to prove that people can create a successful country. that we can make a successful economy. that we can succeed we can excel! capitalism goes so great with the country of america that i have read about in my history books. the america i have read about is a country full of people who when knocked down would pull themselves up by their bootstraps. america was a country that would fight and strive and work hard and succeed at any cost. when religion was holding people back in europe the puritans and pilgrims got on boats and headed across frightning unforgiving waters to come to the new lands in order to start their own religions. when britian started taxing the colonies too much they revolted. they stood up in an impossible war and not only that they won! in this country being a woman can not hold you back. we tried that in this country. when we did women took up a symbol of a woman named rosie the riveter and stood up for their rights and overcame. color of skin can not hold you back in this country. we also tried that in this country. and people of all colors stood up and united and their leader martin luther king even took a bullet for the cause. the america i have read about has always overcome. always percievered and not because of the government but because they stood up and united and strived to be the best and strongest they could. and one of the worst things going on in this country right now is that as children we are lied to. we are told all you have to do is believe in yourself and you can do what ever you want (that is so liberal. but i thought of how to revise that saying to make it a little more realistic which is that if you strive and try and suffer you may make a paycheck of some size. now aint that change we can believe in? sorry for the interuption but dont blame me blame the ADHD.). we tell them this instead of telling children the truth. instead of preparing them for real life we try to create this false reality for them that is lollipops and gumdrops (i have to ask this; why do people eat gumdrops? they are the most disgusting thing ever! i dont think a reality with gumdrops is good at all someone should revise that saying. sorry again!) and one of the worst things in america happening today is that parents seem to say they cant before they even try. they dont strive or even ever attemp to try. charity is a great thing because it is a hand up for when we fall down but people these days seem to want nothing less then welfare and other forms of handouts because they simply want nothing to do with working or striving. they want it given to them. and one of the worst things going on in america today is that politicians today no longer believe in us. they no longer trust in us to be able to succeed on are own. they are supposed to help and lead us to are own self made success but instead they try simply just to give it to us becuase they have given up on us. which honestly aint that bad because we have given up on areselves. and the absolute worst thing is that the country that i have read about in my history book is dieing. if the things going on today were going on back in that america oh boy would the government be in trouble. if america were anything today like it was back then what would you think would happen? im willing to guess that some would come with guns and some with just words but that 400 million voices screaming in unision demanding change would storm washington in protest. but what do we have? stupid little tea parties. im not saying the tea parties are bad but really is that it? thats all? america is such a great country. the history of america is inspiring. if you dont like this country or find its history bad then all i have to say to you is FUCK you. i believe in this country. i believe in people. but sometimes i feel that im the last damn person standing who does. and thats the absolute worst thing

Enlightenment into the right wing

many people these days seem to believe that being right wing means hating the poor and loving the rich. they are wrong. there is much more to being right wing then just that. you see first off being right wing means believing that everyone can succeed. more then that it is a believe that everyone can excel. it is a believe that there are no limitations on people and anyone who is willing to strive and try and work hard can and will succeed and excel. it means that you believe that no matter who a person is whether they are white black male female jew or christian that they can succeed. that success is for everyone. it is also a believe that profit is a great and good thing. that you have a right to the wages you labor for. that you above everyone else not only deserve but are entitled to the wages that you earn through your labor. it is a believe that you should not be regulated more then what is necessary and that you will strive to be the best cleanest and most productive person you can be without having to be told to do so. it is a believe that no maximum or minimum should be placed upon you. being right wing means having faith and trust in people. it is a believe that the state can in no way do more for the people then they can do for themselves and that the state should stay out of their lives. it is a believe that the states only role is to keep order stop chaos and help in leading the country to prosperity and that is not to be confused with actually giving prosperity to the people. it is a believe that the state is to serve the people not people serving the state and that nothing comes before the individual. it is a believe in freedom and liberty. a believe in national and individual sovereignty. that is what it means to be right wing. what does it mean to be left wing? the left believe that at birth your life can be decided. they believe that not everyone can succeed. that it is possible to stamp a failure or successful on your head from the day you are born. the left is a complete distrust and unfaith in people and in the individual. its a believe in the state and its ability to do what people are unable to do. that the only way anyone can ever succeed in life is if the state gives them a step by step pathway to follow. it is a believe that only the state can show you the way to success and it is also a believe that in most cases the average person can only have success if the state gives it to them. it is a believe that no person can be trusted to do what is right and the state must force them to do what is right through excessive laws and regulations. are parties used to be both fairly right but now it seems that both have gone left. while we as Americans may be just as strong are politicians have given up on us! the only party even remotely right these days is the libertarian party. God bless them. to bad they cant ever get a chance to speak

the difference between republicans and democrats

i believe there is an easy way to describe the difference between the democrats and republicans by using the old and new georgia flag.

this is the old georgia flag. it is offending to many people because its a alot like the confederate war flag.
this is the new georgia flag. it is also offending to many people but probably slightly less because it is much like the confederate national flag

are political parties are much like these flags. the first flag was bad because it was a symbol of the confederacy. so we changed it. and what was it changed to? a less known symbol of the confederacy! there honestly is no difference except for the look. are parties are the same. the biggest difference between republicans and democrats is the names that they have. corruption and theft are what the parties messages seem to be just one more then the other. and as they say a little less theft is still theft.

the robin hood principle stupidity borderline idiotic

why does everyone think that just because you are rich that means your greedy? dont you know that capitalism states that being rich is being successful! sure some of the rich are greedy but all of them? i think not! i mean maybe we should consider what capitalism says. first let me give you an example. let's pretend there's a kid whose name is little billy. i know theres no one with a regular name like that any more! but anyways little billy is really funny. but he doesnt believe that he is able to be a comedian. then he turns on a television. he sees jon stewart on the television. he realizes that if that brand unfunny man can get a show then why couldnt he? so as you see the rich inspire us. now lets say that there is a kid named little bobby. he is also very funny. but he knows that he could be a comedian. but he is frightened that he wont be able to make enough money. then he turns on the television and sees jon stewart. when he sees this brand unfunny man can make tons of money he realizes that he probably can as well. as you see the rich can inspire us and make us confident. hell if it wasnt for glenn beck i probably wouldntknow anything about politics. and consider the politician i like; wayne allyn root. he has his own radio show. he also was the vice presidental nominee for my party! but im willing to bet he wouldnt even have his name known if it wasnt for barry goldwater. one rich person whether its a tv show owner a teacher a college proffesor anyone who is rich or just plain laboring can lead us to be inspired can lead us to be confident can lead us to where we are today and to the job we do for the rest of are lives. yet still after all they do for us many still insist on attacking the rich! why? but thats not all the rich do for us. they also put money in banks which make it easier for us to get loans. they give tons in charities helping the poor. they give publicity to colleges which makes it easier for us to find colleges and maybe even cheaper to get in. they most likely are responsible for giving you your job. they boost are gdp and pay most of the national budget making taxes less on you! yet you want to attack and harm them? why they make life better for you! and this aint comin from some rich guy but a common middle class teenager!

global warming or global whining?

why does everyone today seem to believe in global warming? i mean if it really is warming then why hasn't it been warming? its true. the global temperatures havent gone up since 1998 and are expected not to go up until 2030! want here some more history? did you know that in 1924 scientists came up with a theory known as global cooling. then in 1939 scientists changed the theory to global warming only to change it back to global cooling in 1972. then they decided that they were right to change it in 1984 when they changed the theory back to global warming. but since global warming is about science and not history let me tell you some science about it. first off you know how they tell you that the ice is melting? well i would like you first off to know that the antartic you know that huge continent that holds 90% of all the ice? yeah there not talking about antartic melting because actually the antartic is expanding! let me repeat that EXPANDING! they normally talk about greenland and the artic up north. and greenlands ice aint that much of a problem. at the melting speed of 25 cubic miles a year it will take over 1,000 years for all the ice to mtelt. i mean im not saying the planet hasnt warmed but i think the name DANGEROUS anthropagenic global warming might be a little excessive dont you think? also you have to question whether global warming is even really man made. first off you have to consider the cosmic ray theory a commonly excepted theory. i cant fully explain it to you, but i can tell you that if the theory is correct then it would prove the sun would be responsible for anywere from 25 to 75 percent of all heating. i know its strange the sun might actually have something to do with heating. also you must cosider how almost every chemical responsible for global warming is created more by nature then by people. take carbon dioxide. did you know that people are only responsible for 6% of all co2 emmisions. a couple trees falling in the forest creates more co2 per year then you do. then take methane. cows burp more methane then we create! then consider solfate aerosal. sure a lot of it is created by people when we burn fossil fuels but did you know it is temporary and goes away quite quickly. why do people believe in global warming? honestly.