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Sunday, July 5, 2009

The absolute worst thing

i would like to describe to you what the best thing about capitalism is. the great thing about capitalism is that if you strive if you try if you simply work hard and put in some effort you can succeed and excel. no one is more likely to succeed in capitalism there is an equal opportunity and if you grap onto it you can take advantage of it. capitalism is all about when all the doors close in front of you you grap some tools and you make yourself your own door. when all options are off the table you create your own! capitalism. it is so amazing because it puts no limitations on us. it does not regulate us. capitalism is all about believing in people and in the individual. if you read the communist manifesto you would quickly find its main message. in case you havent read it let me tell you the message. WAH people cant do anything for themselves WAH the rich are so abusive WAH we need a savior government to help us! thats not what adam smith talked about. he in his book the wealth of nations looked to prove that people can create a successful country. that we can make a successful economy. that we can succeed we can excel! capitalism goes so great with the country of america that i have read about in my history books. the america i have read about is a country full of people who when knocked down would pull themselves up by their bootstraps. america was a country that would fight and strive and work hard and succeed at any cost. when religion was holding people back in europe the puritans and pilgrims got on boats and headed across frightning unforgiving waters to come to the new lands in order to start their own religions. when britian started taxing the colonies too much they revolted. they stood up in an impossible war and not only that they won! in this country being a woman can not hold you back. we tried that in this country. when we did women took up a symbol of a woman named rosie the riveter and stood up for their rights and overcame. color of skin can not hold you back in this country. we also tried that in this country. and people of all colors stood up and united and their leader martin luther king even took a bullet for the cause. the america i have read about has always overcome. always percievered and not because of the government but because they stood up and united and strived to be the best and strongest they could. and one of the worst things going on in this country right now is that as children we are lied to. we are told all you have to do is believe in yourself and you can do what ever you want (that is so liberal. but i thought of how to revise that saying to make it a little more realistic which is that if you strive and try and suffer you may make a paycheck of some size. now aint that change we can believe in? sorry for the interuption but dont blame me blame the ADHD.). we tell them this instead of telling children the truth. instead of preparing them for real life we try to create this false reality for them that is lollipops and gumdrops (i have to ask this; why do people eat gumdrops? they are the most disgusting thing ever! i dont think a reality with gumdrops is good at all someone should revise that saying. sorry again!) and one of the worst things in america happening today is that parents seem to say they cant before they even try. they dont strive or even ever attemp to try. charity is a great thing because it is a hand up for when we fall down but people these days seem to want nothing less then welfare and other forms of handouts because they simply want nothing to do with working or striving. they want it given to them. and one of the worst things going on in america today is that politicians today no longer believe in us. they no longer trust in us to be able to succeed on are own. they are supposed to help and lead us to are own self made success but instead they try simply just to give it to us becuase they have given up on us. which honestly aint that bad because we have given up on areselves. and the absolute worst thing is that the country that i have read about in my history book is dieing. if the things going on today were going on back in that america oh boy would the government be in trouble. if america were anything today like it was back then what would you think would happen? im willing to guess that some would come with guns and some with just words but that 400 million voices screaming in unision demanding change would storm washington in protest. but what do we have? stupid little tea parties. im not saying the tea parties are bad but really is that it? thats all? america is such a great country. the history of america is inspiring. if you dont like this country or find its history bad then all i have to say to you is FUCK you. i believe in this country. i believe in people. but sometimes i feel that im the last damn person standing who does. and thats the absolute worst thing

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