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Monday, July 6, 2009

why all the welfare

whats up with all the welfare these days. dont people realize that welfare is bad for the economy? i mean heres how welfare works; you take money from one wallet and put into another while creating millions in debt. that sounds bad but dont worry it gets worse. you might be thinking, "oh michael welfare is great because it gives money to people who normally wouldnt have it. they spend it and spending money is good for the economy." well while that might sound great its completely wrong. what they forget is while those on welfare do spend money they forget that that money they spend came from somewhere or in better words someone. that money would have been spent anyways by the person it came from. and moreover we wouldnt have had to create millions in debt. taking money from one person and giving it to someone else doesnt create more wealth it just redistributes it. but what could we do for the poor that would help the economy? i will hereby endeavor to explain to you just that. people who labor are good for the economy. obviously. so obviously what would be good for the economy would be finding ways to help people who are not working to start working. and there are simple ways to help make self made success more attainable. and more then that the ways to do it wont only help the poor but everyone. first is to cut regulations. the average regulation stops 150 jobs from being created. get rid of some of those and we could create many new jobs. if we were to cut just some regulation we could create new jobs putting new people to work. next we could cut taxes. if people could actually keep some of the money they earned there would be less need for money to be given to them. now you might be thinking, "but michael the government needs that money in taxes to fund important programs." if your thinking this your wrong. consider this; you remember how when people were complaining about spending. it happened about five seconds ago. anyways do you think the government cut spending then when people were complaining about spending? of course not. unless you consider that 100 million dollar cut to the spending which is oh yeah nothing. but if you ask obama how he is going to pay for universal healthcare he would tell you that he can pay for 2/3 of it by shifting some of the budget to pay for it. you see the government taxes us highly. and it is not because they need all the money they get in taxes. its because they are to corrupted and to uncaring to cut the budget unless of course it will help them pass their special interests. another thing the government could do to help people is allow us to use are resources. take oil for instance. did you know we have more oil here then the middle east does. the reason why we use so much foreign oil is because are government wont allow us to use any of are oil. why not? if we could use the oil we have here we could create thousands of good paying stable jobs and i should know about oil rigs since my father works on one. if we could use oil we could create jobs not to mention ending are dependence on foreign oil. and think of all the other resources are governmnet has just said no to. think of all that we could do if we could use are own resources. oh and heres a big thing we could do; reform washington. every time washington is even in session are stock points drop around 16 points! although libertarians are the only ones who offer it everyone i think wants washington reformed. these are just some of the things we could do to help the poor. and more then that these things would help everybody. instead we use welfare which really doesnt help anybody. taking money from the rich doesnt help are economy. expanding government power doesnt help are economy or are freedom. and finally welfare is not the best way to even help the poor. so why do we insist on these tatics?

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