Fox News listen up sometime!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

all the people and organizations i hate

orginizations - the federal reserve, peda, greenpeace, seirra club, the democrat party, the republican party, ACLU, msnbc, cnn, obama voters, acorn, seiu FCC

ideas - radical feminism, green, communism, obamanation, liberalism, leftist

people - michael moore, dan rather, david lettermen, al gore, obama, nanci pelosi, diane fienstien, larry king, van jones, mark loyd, FDR, theodore roosevelt, woodrow wilson, hilary clinton, bill clinton, timothy geinthner, cynthia mckenly, reverend wright, alan colmes, al franken,

Sunday, August 9, 2009

when obama says he doesnt was single payer just watch this

now isnt it funny how what he says at a group of like minded individuals which is unlikely to
bleed out is something completley different then what he says at a
press conference

what this healthcare plan is really about

people have really been missing what this healthcare plan is really about. its about slavery. once they get it passed they will decide who gets coverage and who doesnt. how people think that allowing the governmnet to decide who lives and who dies is following the guidence of the founding fathers i dont understand but thats not even the point. the point is that the government will actually have the power to decide who lives and who dies. first theyl let the old die. then it will become where if you weigh a certain amount theyll tell you u have to die. then one day way down the road it will be if your just right wing you must die. and consider this; if the republicans and libertarians stay agianst the plan then all those on the plan will have to vote democrat. democrats are once agian doing what they always do; getting votes by making people dependent on them.

Friday, July 10, 2009

whats the point

whats the point of passing this health care plan? first off if you don't believe that obama's health care plan will lead to a government take over of the health care then its about time to start believing. a public plan wont have to follow the same rules. a public plan will always have funding. it wont have to play by the rules. but it might help if the government does something to protect private plans. now obama has said that he doesnt want a government run health care and i actually believe him. but what obama wants doesnt matter because someone will. what about the next president? what about congress? trust me washington as a whole does want government run healthcare. were going to have a government bent on creating a government run health care. the public plan that will be created will always have funding. the public plan wont have to play by the rules. what do you think the end result will be? and whats wrong with government run health care. well in countries that have it waiting periods are longer. in america you need to go to the doctor you might have to wait 6 days in countries with government run healthcare you might have to wait 6 months. so whats the point of being insured with healthcare if you cant ever get into the hospital? also in countries with government run healthcare there is higher death rates. you would think the complete opposite since everyones insured so why is this? its because hospitals dont have the medicine or the technology to help people. in fact in britian if you have breast cancer they'll tell you to go home and die. why? because they no longer fund the technology needed to help fight that disease. so does it really matter if your insured if the doctor cant help you? no. being insured is not what matters. what matters is that your able to go to the hospital and the doctor can help you. and with this public plan we are trying to pass whether it takes over the private healthcare options or not will actually eliminate the ability to go to the hospital or for the doctor to be able to help you rather then help it. which leads me back to my starting question; whats the point?

scary chart

just thought i would show you this chart! look at what is happening to are taxes! income taxes are going up as well as just about every tax. this chart is showing what will happen if they pass the surtax that they are planning to pass in order to pay for health care and people wonder why the economy might be doing bad. in fact these top income taxes will be higher then frances if this passes! higher then france how idiotic!!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

PLZ stop talking about michael jackson

i am officially done. i no longer want to hear about michael jackson. i dont want to hear his crappy songs on the radio. i dont want to hear about him in the media. i dont want to hear people who should be talking about news talk about michael jackson. first off i am too young to know about the black guy singer michael jackson. i have only been alive during the time michael jackson was a white woman. so to me he is nothing but a freak. but i mean didnt anyone else die this week? or a better question who didnt die this week? i mean what about billy mayes? why cant we talk about him? let me start in fact. billy mayes what a great guy. he could have been americas UN ambassador. i mean just imagine it. "hi billy mayes here hey UN i would like to tell yhou about america." give him five minutes and the UN would love us! and other people died too. or you know what else the news could focus on? NEWS! that sounds great doesnt it?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My strategy for war

the war in Iraq is coming to an end. in memorization of the war i would like to give some tips about how we should fight for next time or even for war in Afghanistan. first i got this great idea; if your going to go to war go to win! stop sending some troops here and there and whatever. no if your going to go to war send everything we got. use the full force of are nation in a war so that are troops can stop dieing in such avoidable ways. next if you cant convince the general public the reason why your fighting is worth fighting its probably because its not worth fighting. and i know what your probably thinking, "but Michael public always gives up on wars after time." well that might be true. i mean if you picked up a book about the war in Korea theres a chance you might here something about protest. now i want you to go out and try just try to find a book about vietnam that doesnt talk about protest. its impossible. and iraq is alot like vietnam. i mean people protest war sure but nothing like in vietnam nothing like in iraq and so you gotta think that maybe theres more to it. and i know what your probably thinking, "but michael war can now be televised and thats why theres so little support." yes ive heard this before and i would just like to say thats the most idiotic argument ive ever heard! let me use that same argument but in slightly different words. because technology has innovated and entered the 21st century and thats why we should keep fighting war the same way. thats stupidity dont you agree. if technology has lead to people disagreeing with war then how about you find new ways to get support. and now i know what your thinking, "michael that sounds hard." now first off i have to say seriously stop interrupting me its really annoying. now you are right it will be hard to get people rallying for war especially with the modern technology we have but guess what; thats why the job is left up to oh yeah the president. being the president is supposed to be hard. thats why were supposed to vote for them based on leadership instead of how old they are or the color of their skin. and im not trying to say im against war. in fact i am a big pro war guy. heres my message; first of if your going to go to war GO TO WIN! if you have a congress or a president whose against you who and is going to stop you every time you want a surge everytime you want to send more troops then dont go. if you think the war is going to last more then four years and you know the public is going to give up on the war and vote you out then once again dont go. stop fighting half way! dont go if you cant win. next afterwards once you win COME HOME. stop being the police of the world. get are troops home after we win. and finally WORRY ABOUT PROBLEMS INSIDE THE COUNTRY BEFORE PROBLEMS OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY. bush had said, "i dont care about what people think of me." now i respect him for that and i am glad we had a president who thought that way but we need to remember that we dont want a president who, "doesnt care what people think at all."