Fox News listen up sometime!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

PLZ stop talking about michael jackson

i am officially done. i no longer want to hear about michael jackson. i dont want to hear his crappy songs on the radio. i dont want to hear about him in the media. i dont want to hear people who should be talking about news talk about michael jackson. first off i am too young to know about the black guy singer michael jackson. i have only been alive during the time michael jackson was a white woman. so to me he is nothing but a freak. but i mean didnt anyone else die this week? or a better question who didnt die this week? i mean what about billy mayes? why cant we talk about him? let me start in fact. billy mayes what a great guy. he could have been americas UN ambassador. i mean just imagine it. "hi billy mayes here hey UN i would like to tell yhou about america." give him five minutes and the UN would love us! and other people died too. or you know what else the news could focus on? NEWS! that sounds great doesnt it?

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