Fox News listen up sometime!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Enlightenment into the right wing

many people these days seem to believe that being right wing means hating the poor and loving the rich. they are wrong. there is much more to being right wing then just that. you see first off being right wing means believing that everyone can succeed. more then that it is a believe that everyone can excel. it is a believe that there are no limitations on people and anyone who is willing to strive and try and work hard can and will succeed and excel. it means that you believe that no matter who a person is whether they are white black male female jew or christian that they can succeed. that success is for everyone. it is also a believe that profit is a great and good thing. that you have a right to the wages you labor for. that you above everyone else not only deserve but are entitled to the wages that you earn through your labor. it is a believe that you should not be regulated more then what is necessary and that you will strive to be the best cleanest and most productive person you can be without having to be told to do so. it is a believe that no maximum or minimum should be placed upon you. being right wing means having faith and trust in people. it is a believe that the state can in no way do more for the people then they can do for themselves and that the state should stay out of their lives. it is a believe that the states only role is to keep order stop chaos and help in leading the country to prosperity and that is not to be confused with actually giving prosperity to the people. it is a believe that the state is to serve the people not people serving the state and that nothing comes before the individual. it is a believe in freedom and liberty. a believe in national and individual sovereignty. that is what it means to be right wing. what does it mean to be left wing? the left believe that at birth your life can be decided. they believe that not everyone can succeed. that it is possible to stamp a failure or successful on your head from the day you are born. the left is a complete distrust and unfaith in people and in the individual. its a believe in the state and its ability to do what people are unable to do. that the only way anyone can ever succeed in life is if the state gives them a step by step pathway to follow. it is a believe that only the state can show you the way to success and it is also a believe that in most cases the average person can only have success if the state gives it to them. it is a believe that no person can be trusted to do what is right and the state must force them to do what is right through excessive laws and regulations. are parties used to be both fairly right but now it seems that both have gone left. while we as Americans may be just as strong are politicians have given up on us! the only party even remotely right these days is the libertarian party. God bless them. to bad they cant ever get a chance to speak

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