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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

why all the hate?

this might come as a shock to you but i am a big believer in both capitalism and conservatism. i believe that they go hand and hand. capitalism is all about a believe that people can built and maintain a functioning economy. it is all about believing in people instead of in the state. conservatism goes hand and hand with this because its all about helping each and every individual reach their own self made success. conservatism is all about stopping wasteful spending and putting money back in the pockets of the individual. conservatism is about cutting needless taxes so that you have more money in your wallet so you can afford more things so you things that you want will be cheeper on you. conservatism is about cutting regulations that we dont need and believing that people can handle having all options on the table. conservatism is about getting the government out of your life so that you can live your life. conservatism has fundamentals behind that every person can get behind. conservatives believe that profit is good. conservatives believe that those who labor do good for us all and that doing your part is doing a job. conservatives believe that when you labor you create an incentive for others to labor that this generation working leads to the next generation into working and that you should be rewarded not punished for working and laboring. conservatives try to do all they can to give the next generation a better america then the current generation has and would never do anything to hurt the next generation. my favorite thing about conservatism is that as a conservative i can confidently say that the policies that i propose will help YOU. you see a liberal cant say that because you could be anyone and there policies dont help everyone. if your rich liberal policies definitely wont help you. if your middle class propably not and if your poor well its possible. but conservatism will help YOU no matter who YOU are. cutting sales taxes can help everybody. cutting income taxes will help everyone who pays them. cutting regulations and creating jobs will help everyone unemployed. conservatism will help YOU no matter who YOU are. and with such a great message my question to my readers, ok reader ok ok my question to nobody is why all the hate? i was thinking why the republicans lost their message about conservatism and i came to the conclusion that it was probably because of all this hate. everyone seems to hate conservatives. the media bashes us everyday. why? with a message so great i think we should get a standing ovation instead we are hated. sad fact.

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