Fox News listen up sometime!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

when obama says he doesnt was single payer just watch this

now isnt it funny how what he says at a group of like minded individuals which is unlikely to
bleed out is something completley different then what he says at a
press conference

what this healthcare plan is really about

people have really been missing what this healthcare plan is really about. its about slavery. once they get it passed they will decide who gets coverage and who doesnt. how people think that allowing the governmnet to decide who lives and who dies is following the guidence of the founding fathers i dont understand but thats not even the point. the point is that the government will actually have the power to decide who lives and who dies. first theyl let the old die. then it will become where if you weigh a certain amount theyll tell you u have to die. then one day way down the road it will be if your just right wing you must die. and consider this; if the republicans and libertarians stay agianst the plan then all those on the plan will have to vote democrat. democrats are once agian doing what they always do; getting votes by making people dependent on them.